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Archive for the ‘Dental Crowns’ Category


Get Prompt Treatment for a Broken Crown

Your dentist may give you a dental crown to restore and preserve a vulnerable tooth. This ceramic cap covers the affected tooth and shields it from external threats while enhancing its appearance, among other benefits. Though these restorative dental tools…


Same Day Dental Crowns: A Case Study

Dental crowns are one of the most commonly utilized and highly successful dental treatments used in our office today. They are placed for a wide range of reasons, from cosmetic imperfections to damage and decay. A dental crown can be…


Crowns in a Day

If you have ever had crowns, you are doubtless familiar with messy dental impressions and long process of waiting for the crown to be made and placed. A damaged tooth can really impact your lifestyle, so the long wait is…


Better Ceramic Restorations with CEREC

One of the common dental procedures that people hate most is taking impressions. The trays are uncomfortable, the impression material can be cold and taste bad, and the whole process can be less than pleasant. Unfortunately, impressions are needed whenever…


Do You Know The Amazing Benefits Of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are great for so many different reasons; It can be used to address a severely decayed tooth that has recently been repaired with a root canal, a damaged tooth from some type of accident, or if you have a…


Know The Root Canal Myths

Know The Myths That Are Associated With A Root Canal Your teeth are meant to last as long as you live. Traditionally, infected or dead teeth were usually pulled. Thanks to advancements in modern dentistry, a tooth can often be…