Whether you have lost a tooth due to impact trauma, gum disease, or other dental concerns, you may have noticed that missing teeth can negatively affect several aspects of your smile. Your oral functions, as well as your smile’s appearance, will change, and you might feel less confident because of it.
Your dentist can treat these problems with restorative dental solutions and prevent further oral health concerns that can arise after tooth loss. Dr. Alan Dechter and Dr. Matthew Moy, dentists located in Silver Spring, MD, list three reasons why you should seek replacements for your missing teeth.
Benefits of Treating Missing Teeth
Restore Oral Capabilities
One or more missing teeth can severely interfere with your oral capabilities. It can be more difficult to eat, talk, and complete other oral actions when there are spaces between your teeth.
Tooth replacement treatment from your dentist, whether you choose a removable or fixed appliance, can improve your ability to perform oral functions like chewing and speaking. With fixed dentures, dental implants, and similar restorative solutions, dental patients can have confidence that their appliances will not slip out of place at inopportune moments.
Preserve the Structure of Your Jawbone
In a healthy individual, a tooth extends to a root below the gumline, which stimulates the jawbone and keeps it strong. If an individual suffers tooth loss, the jaw no longer receives stimulation and can begin to weaken.
This can result in the appearance of facial sagging and can cause remaining teeth to shift out of place. Dental implants replace missing teeth and include an anchor in the jaw that can stimulate the bone there and stop its deterioration.
It can also encourage the regeneration of any bone that may have already been lost. This treatment will both enhance your smile and preserve its appearance and structure for a lifetime.
Boost the Look of Your Smile
Many people may feel self-conscious about their appearance if there are gaps in their smiles due to tooth loss. This can reduce their confidence which can extend to other parts of their personal and professional lives.
Patients can boost the look of their smile and regain confidence by replacing missing teeth. Your dentist can create customized prosthetics to give you a beautiful and natural finish that will suit your unique smile. Whether you have lost one, several, or an entire arch of teeth, your dentist can find a restorative replacement solution that works for you.