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Archive for the ‘Gum Disease’ Category


Signs of Gum Disease

About half of all adults in the United States will suffer from gum disease, an infection affecting the gum tissue, at some point in their lifetimes. Though prevalent, not many people can recognize the symptoms of this disease. In fact,…


Risk Factors for Periodontal Disease

Gum disease refers to a relatively common infection in the gum tissue. It can begin with inflamed gums, but as it advances, bacteria can eat away at the structure of your teeth, gums, and jawbone. This can result in irreversible…


Smile Enhancement After Gum Disease

About half of American adults will contract gum disease. Despite its prevalence, many people do not realize that this infection of the gum tissue can cause severe and irreversible dental damage. You will require intervention from a dentist to get…


Bleeding Gums Can Impact Pregnancy

Research published in Oral Health & Preventative Dentistry suggests that treating gingivitis in pregnant dental patients reduces the chances of preterm births and increases birth weights. Gingivitis refers to the early stage of gum disease, an infection in the gum…


Protect Periodontal Health with Prompt Care

Pandemic stress has led many dental patients to neglect their usual oral health regimens. This could have detrimental effects not only on your teeth and gums but to your overall wellbeing. A recent study suggests that individuals with periodontal disease…


3 Tips For A Healthier Smile

At Dechter and Moy Dentistry, patients often ask us what they can do to better their overall dental health. Here are our best tips for maintaining a beautiful and healthy smile: Address Dental Concerns Sooner Rather Than Later The thing…


Tips To Prevent Gum Disease

How Can I spot Gum Disease? If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please visit Dechter & Moy Dentistry as soon as possible. Gums That Bleed Easily Red, Swollen, or Tender Gums Gums That Have Pulled Away From Your Teeth…